In order to take your cryptocurrency investments seriously, you should acquire a cold wallet . Having a safe place to keep your crypto assets is crucial. You could lose your investment in crypto if you don't take precautions to keep it safe from con artists and crooks. You can do this with either a "hot" or "cold" cryptocurrency wallet. The key distinction is that hot wallets use an internet connection whereas cold wallets do not. In practise, this makes hot wallets more convenient to use, but also less safe. The likelihood of a hack occurring in a cold wallet is significantly lower than in a hot wallet. The difference in cost is still another distinction. Most hot wallets don't cost anything to use. Typically, you may expect to pay between $50 and $150 for a cold wallet. As a result, many cryptocurrency investors have questions about the point at which the added protection provided by a cold wallet is justified by the additional cost. Let's start with ...
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