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Learning to Ride an Electric Skateboard 🛹 – Beginners Guide!

The very first thing when you start learning to ride an electric scooter is figuring out where to put your feet.

Including the first thing we must establish while learning to ride an electric skateboard is whether your right or left foot makes for a superior front foot. How would you describe your foot placement on an e-skateboard? "Regular" or "Goofy"?

The goofy stance entails shifting your weight to the right foot when riding and placing the left foot in the back.

For the standard posture, your left foot will be forward and your right foot will be back when you ride.

Each of them is an acceptable stance while riding an electric skateboard. But how can we tell which foot is the front and which the back? My investigation into available diagnostic options led me to the one that best served us.

Try the ball test by kicking and pushing a soccer or football. You're standing on your "rear foot," the one that didn't kick the ball. Your front foot will always be the one that is standing since it is the one you use to balance on.

To pass the slide test, you need put on your slipperiest socks. Try to find a wooden floor that is really slippery, then take a running start and see how far you can go. That front foot of yours is now also the forward foot on your electric skateboard.

Get a chair or a flight of stairs and remain still, with both feet flat on the ground. This is the "Stair-Test." Take the first natural step upwards now. Your lead foot should be the one you used to rise to standing.

Playtime with a tug-of-war! In other words, round up the gang and stage a tug of war. Your "front" foot is the one you use to step forward.

Learning to Ride an Electric Skateboard

The Board-Test is, without a doubt, the most trustworthy and effective method for determining whether you are a regular or goofy rider. Simply hop on a board and enlist the help of a pal. You should now experiment with the two positions to see which one best suits your needs. If you're worried about falling, grab onto your friend's hands. Check which front foot seems more natural by driving a short distance in both directions.

Do not fret if you experience initial discomfort. Your initial experiences on a skateboard or electric skateboard will likely feel incredibly foreign and unnatural.

Don't worry if you don't understand, if both stances feel strange, or if they feel very much the same. Simply begin on one side and then quickly reverse to the other. The best skateboarders and e-skateboarders can "switch," or switch between conventional and goofy, riding styles. You could perhaps be ahead of the game at this point.

Correct electric skateboard posture

Your electric skateboard posture is the first thing you should focus on perfecting. That means your feet are somewhat wider than hip-distance apart. If you feel dizzy or dizzy from a turn, bending your knees can help. Maintaining stability is also greatly simplified.

Also, make sure you're not slouching excessively to the front or rear. If you don't, you'll soon find yourself wobbling dangerously.

Put your foot on the gas, I mean electric power 😬

Most modern electric skateboards are operated by a handheld remote control, rather than the usual foot controls. The remote contains all of the buttons you'll need to perform any function.

Figure out how everything works with the remote, and go somewhere open to practise.

Getting ready to release the brakes and floor it. Some models of electric skateboards have incredible speed. They can accelerate at a rate that simply astounds you. Accidents can happen if you suddenly accelerate while you aren't ready. Most likely, the eboard will simply flip away. As a result, we must take extra precautions to ensure that we are ready for the quickening of pace. Get ready for a rearward change in body weight once acceleration begins. Squat down just a little by bending your knees. So, when you shift your weight backward, the muscle in your rear leg is already primed to contract. Furthermore, it decreases the height of the point of gravity, making the resulting change in mass much more manageable.

To lean forward while accelerating, shift your weight to your front foot. Keep your centre of gravity low by bending your knees. You should squat with your front leg bent more than your back.

Your weight should be evenly distributed across both feet, and your back foot should be stable, slightly tensed, and prepared for acceleration. Also, try putting your back foot anywhere besides the tail of the board. The board can perform a wheelie and disappear otherwise. Yes, you will experience a fall. Acceleration causes you to shift your weight to your rear foot. After you become used to the initial thrust, you can feel free to distribute your weight on the board in a variety of ways.

For electric skateboards, you can choose between two different types of remote controls (RC). The first is a remote control with a large trigger on the bottom of the device, which is activated by pressing the index finger down on the trigger. The second variety of remote control can be adjusted in altitude by sliding a button on its front.

Pulling the trigger (RC type 1) or sliding the button forward or upward with your thumb opens the throttle. (Type II RC).


An eboard's braking mechanism is analogous to a throttle's throttle lever. When you apply the brakes, your body weight will transfer forward. So, kneel down a little bit, bend your knees, and lean back a little bit. The result is a tighter, more responsive front leg muscle when the body weight is transferred forward. Furthermore, it decreases the height of the point of gravity, making the resulting change in mass much more manageable. Be sure your front foot is planted, muscles tightened, and prepared to brake.

For electric skateboards, you can choose between two different types of remote controls (RC). The first is a remote control with a large trigger on the bottom of the device, which is activated by pressing the index finger down on the trigger. The second variety of remote control can be adjusted in altitude by sliding a button on its front.

To apply the brakes, either release the trigger with your index finger (RC type 1) or slide the button down with your thumb. (Type II RC).


Before attempting to stop in traffic, it's important that you get some braking practise in a controlled environment. Additionally, I suggest trying a Full break (very hard break) to help acclimate yourself to the intensity of the rhythm. That way, you'll be prepared for the inevitable times when you'll need to apply the brakes heavily, and you won't be caught off guard.

There is a significant benefit to e-boarding that you may now take advantage of. Avoid the foot break at all costs! You may take it easy and ride more safely downhill, even on very steep slopes. Most of the time, you won't even need to use your foot to apply the brakes when riding an electric longboard. Even better, you have a regenerative braking system installed. Therefore, you discharge and replenish the power source at the same time.

The availability of brakes is a major plus for electric skateboarding.

Eboard Spins and Flips

Turns are crucial to the enjoyment of electric skateboarding. So, let's double-check that everyone had their chance. There will be certain differences between cruising and carving on a regular skateboard and an electric longboard. Trucks are less manoeuvrable due to their length, width, weight, and tightness, but they are also more stable. The looseness or tightness of your turns is controlled by adjusting the trucks.

Turning on an electric longboard requires a steady footing. Put your foot on the gas and keep going in a straight line. If you want to turn, you should now shift your weight to your toes or heels.

The first step in a front flip is shifting your weight to your toes. A toeside turn describes this movement. That's why putting your left foot forward causes you to turn to the right. The turning radius's midpoint, or "centre," is in front of you. So, flip on your front side.

It is necessary to shift your weight to your heels slightly in order to make a rear turn. When the left foot is the leading foot, the turn is called a "heelside turn," and the left side of the body is rotated. So called because the pivot point of your turn radius is behind you.

A second piece of advice is to always keep your head up and stare in the desired direction. Keep your gaze to the right to indicate a right turn. A left turn requires a leftward glance. It's certain that you'll wind up at the tree you're staring at. Look where you want to go so you can get there.

Familiarize yourself with your board and Get some actual practise in!

Get familiar with your eboard and how it's set up. Figure out where you have the most traction, where you can accelerate the fastest, where you will break, and where your turning radius is. Figure out how everything works with the remote, and go somewhere open to practise. Simply get used to your board's handling, how it reacts, and how it feels in general. All of this information may be gleaned from genuine experience on an e skateboard. If you want to get better at skateboarding, you should spend as much time as possible doing it in a secure environment. This piece of advice is as straightforward as it is effective: practise, practise, practise. Most modern electric skateboards are operated by a handheld remote control, rather than the usual foot pedals. The remote contains all of the buttons you'll need to perform any function.


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