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Types Of Ration Card

Types of Ration Card That Are Used In India eg. (APL, BPL)

Rashan Cards are one of the most important document for all Indian citizens and plays a vital role in India for Public Distribution System. In this article I have tried to sum all the details and requirement for the three main ration cards.
Hope it helps for the knowledge you require for all these cards details. Depending on the economic and living condition, people can purchase essential things such as kerosene, sugar and food grains on low cost if they are carrying any of these cards. Rashan Card also help in fulfilling various documents requirements mainly for address and income proof.

There are mainly three types of Ration Cards that are available -
  • APL Cards for persons Above Poverty Line.
  • BPL Cards for persons Below Poverty Line.
  • Antyodaya Ration Cards (Antyodaya Ration Cards which are issued for the poorest only.)

Above Poverty Line (APL) Cards:
APL Ration Card

For getting APL Rashan Card one needs to present deletion/surrender certificate which must be issued from the belonging region of person from where he is shifted to the other place for having APL Cards. Two group family photographs are also required for this. Time of maximum 15 days is taken for issuing these cards after receiving application form.

Requirements for obtaining an APL Card:
  • The application form should be duly attested by any Gazetted Officer in case of Urban Area and in rural area, it can be attested by the Sarpanch.
  • One must apply for Deletion/surrendering of certificate which must be issued from the belonging region of person from where he is shifted to desired place.
  • Two clear group family photographs.
Below Poverty Line (BPL) Cards:
BPL Ration Card

Indian Government has introduced BPL Card in order to provide alleviation for poor people, so only poor people of the society are eligible for this type of cards. These people can be bifurcated on daily livelihood such as flower sellers, card pullers, rickshaw pullers, black smith, coolies, porters etc. These people are identified by the government employees of the department and then BPL Card is issued with the support of Food and Supplies Department, Union Territory, places in which 35 kgs of Rice or Wheat is being issued @ Rs.6.02 and 4.50 per kg respectively.

In order to get this card, a person has to submit an application form which has to be duly attested by theVillage Sarpanch or by Municipal Councilor, two group family photographs (passport size) and finally an affidavit which has to be duly specified.

Antyodaya Rations Cards are for the families which are the most needy and poorest in India and having earnings below ₹ 250/- (i.e. per head per month).
Antyodaya Ration Card

Under the expansion of Antyodaya Anna Yojna, AAY Cards are developed, Senior Citizens are also eligible for this card who do not have any regular means of earning/income or social or family support. It is applicable also for the families which are headed by widows or families run by physically handicapped and terminally ill if they are not carrying the possession of BPL or APL Card.

This card is issued along with BPL Card for the persons whose income is below Rs. 250/- per month. For obtaining an AAY Card, a person needs to submit an application form which has to be duly attested by the Village Sarpanch or by the Municipal Councilor,also two group family photographs (passport size) and finally an affidavit will fulfill the requirements. After that a ration card is developed in Green color for Antyodaya beneficiaries. This card holder will get 35 KG of rice for Rs.3/- per kg.

For any queries or help do comment below, we will do our best to help you. 


  1. My daughter name is sanjana but in ration card is bhargavi. How to change name in ration card please help me mahaboob nagar district telangana state

    1. Apply for correction of name in ration card.

  2. I am unable to find out the category of my ration which is issued to me by the government. Please suggest how do i identify it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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